Collect of articles, updates and resources shared by the You're Welcome team.
Gloucester /
Food and Drink -
Social Interest Groups -
Parent Carer Coffee Morning
A ‘Listen to Me’ event from Gloucestershire Parent Carer Forum. Join other families of disabled children for a cuppa and a chat at the Chamwell Centre. Its a friendly, social meet, but we take the opportunity to gather any important feedback you may have about access to services or ideas of how to make things […]
Gloucester /
Children's Activities -
Performing Arts -
Theatre and Concerts
Soundabout Inclusive Choir Gloucestershire
FIND OUT MORE AND SIGN UP The Soundabout Inclusive Choir for Gloucestershire is run in partnership with the Chamwell Centre, and welcomes people of all abilities aged under 25, and their families. The choir celebrates that everyone has their own way of sharing their voice. By welcoming all voices we aim to be as inclusive […]
Gloucester /
Attractions and Days Out -
Social Interest Groups -
Sports and Leisure -
Chamwell Boccia Club
Boccia is a sport of intriguing tactics, incredible skill & nail-biting tension! Once you see or play it, you will be hooked! Boccia is now a Paralympic sport – is a target ball sport which tests both muscle control & accuracy. From a seated position, players propel balls to land as close as possible to […]
Cotswolds /
Arts and Crafts -
Children's Activities -
Creative outdoor nature based workshops
These workshops are for visually impaired children and families in Gloucestershire to explore and take part in our new outdoor participatory workshop at Westonbirt Arboretum Saturday 30th April 2022. Our workshops are unique and involve fun individual and group creative tasks working with our senses. We will work with natural materials, descriptive imagery, drawing, […]
Kitchen Challenge Lite is a 6-week cooking course for those looking to gain valuable work experience in a kitchen, build employability skills and meet like-minded people. We will work together to cook a variety of dishes, increasing in complexity throughout the weeks. Sessions will run from 10.30am – 3.30pm, and we will break to share […]
Tetbury /
Attractions and Days Out -
Festivals and Seasonal -
Parks and Green Spaces
Enchanted Christmas
Weather the storm to help to reunite Father Christmas with his lost reindeer and experience mesmerising light displays and stunning spectacles along the way! Oh no! Father Christmas has lost his Reindeer among the trees of Westonbirt following an almighty storm. Not even Rudolph’s bright red nose can guide them back together. We need your […]
Tetbury /
Gardens and Nature -
Parks and Green Spaces -
Sensing Nature Guided Walks
Let our visually impaired guides lead you through an immersive and interactive sensory experience that aims to shift your perception, enjoy the arboretum at a slower pace and explore the trees of Westonbirt through your nonvisual senses. This unique experience is only available for a limited time during October, so don’t miss out. Find out […]
History, Her Story, Their Story, Our Story Exhibition
History, Her Story, Their Story, Our StoryWorks inspired and mentored by photographer Vanley Burke Inspired by renowned photographer Vanley Burke, this exhibition shows work from well renowned Gloucester artists who have worked with the community, using the lead question “When was the first time you saw a person of a different ethnicity to you?” as […]
Gloucester /
Arts and Crafts -
Children's Activities -
Festivals and Seasonal -
Museums and Galleries
Halloween 2021 at the ‘Museum of Ghoulster’
Halloween 2021 Welcome back to the Museum of Ghoulster!! This October half-term, the museum once again transforms into the Museum of Ghoulster! Join us for spooky school holiday creepy capers and ghoulish goings on, hosting a variety of family-friendly events and activities including trails, costume making, storytelling, bug hunts and much, much more! All activities […]
Gloucester /
Museums and Galleries -
Performing Arts
A retrospective exhibition of Rizpah Amadasun…
A retrospective exhibition of Rizpah Amadasun… Local Artist Rizpah Amadasum is exhibiting in the Community Gallery at the Museum of Gloucester until end of December 2021. Rizpah has been selected to attend the Royal College of Art London; this exhibition celebrates her work and this success as a local artist. Rizpah’s artwork explores identity […]
Cheltenham /
Food and Drink -
Play Areas -
Social Interest Groups
Big Summer Picnic
Big Summer Picnic Location: Pittvilla Park – Cheltenham next to the Play Area. Date: Friday 14th August from 11am onward Everyone welcome including families, grandparents, interpreters and volunteers, CODA, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and not to forgot dogs! For more information please contact Jennie – Text 07745530958 or Email
Gloucester /
Festivals and Seasonal -
Gardens and Nature -
Parks and Green Spaces -
Gloucestershire Carers Hub at FestivALL
Gloucestershire Carers Hub is excited to be party of this year’s FestivALL. Come along and say hello and find out how we help carers across the County. Look out for our stand. Steve will be pleased to say hello.