Collect of articles, updates and resources shared by the You're Welcome team.
Forest of Dean /
Arts and Crafts -
Festivals and Seasonal -
Literature and Writing -
Performing Arts -
Canopy artsJAB: FoD Creative Showcase Festival
“Time for your fun booster!” 2nd October 2021, 12 – 5pm, West Dean Centre Bream Creative organisations within the Forest of Dean join together for a combined arts event. A day of fun for all the family! #ArtsJabBream On 2nd October Canopy is planning an arts showcase festival at the West Dean Centre, Bream, funded […]
The Wiggly Worm’s ‘From Pantry to Plate’ course is for individuals between 16-25 years, with or without additional needs. Throughout the course we will work as a team to cook a variety of dishes; aiming to teach individuals cooking skills and food knowledge, to boost their independence and confidence inside and outside the kitchen. There […]
Cirencester /
Children's Activities -
Performing Arts -
Sports and Leisure
SEND Dance Classes Open Session
At Spiral Dance Studio, we aim to provide everybody with the opportunity to dance, by catering for different ages, abilities and needs. To us everyone is an individual and we know dance brings so much enjoyment and benefits such as making friends, building confidence, helping with balance, concentration and improving fitness. We know that this […]
Gloucester /
Attractions and Days Out -
Museums and Galleries -
Art for wellbeing Exhibition
Creative Communities: New Perspectives Art for wellbeing exhibition Celebrating inclusive art for wellbeing Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucestershire Carers Hub, Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (GARAS), Inclusion Gloucestershire, Look Again and Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have worked together to provide online Mindful Photography courses and inclusive drama workshops to over 40 adults and young people in Gloucester. This […]
Gloucester /
Festivals and Seasonal -
Gardens and Nature -
Parks and Green Spaces -
Performing Arts -
Theatre and Concerts -
Singing for All ~ (That Includes You!)
Barnwood Trust are pleased to Welcome Kirsty Abrahams as part of a ‘Singing for All’ session at FestivAll on Robinswood Hill this year. Some of us might never have tried singing, and some of us might have had to stop in recent months. No matter what your experience or ability, there’s something for everyone at […]
Gloucester /
Arts and Crafts -
Gardens and Nature -
Parks and Green Spaces
FestivAll Street Art Workshop
Barnwood Trust are being joined at FestivAll by Street Artist Dice67 from Cheltenham Paint Festival to offer a free Street Art taster session. Come down to Robinswood Hill and have a go at doing some Street Art on one of our interactive walls. Dice67 will be showing how to use different techniques to create fantastic […]
Gloucester /
Children's Activities -
Festivals and Seasonal -
Parks and Green Spaces -
Inclusive Multisensory Trail at Robinswood Hill
Come and explore the multisensory trail on Robinswood Hill. “Welcome to Robinswood Hill and our inclusive trail, An experience for all the family in sun or wind and hail. It is here for July as part of FestivALL: A celebration of communities that are welcoming to all. We will explore our senses, like touch, taste, […]
Tewkesbury /
Farms and Zoos -
Gardens and Nature -
Chill out summer
Explore summer on the farm with Greenwood’s Therapeutic Horticulture. Using horticulture and animal therapy with wildlife, participants will be encouraged to explore where their food comes from. Experience planting fruit and vegetables and enjoy watching them grow right through to harvesting. Have fun tasting new foods from the farm. Chill out this summer with farm […]
Gloucester /
Arts and Crafts -
Performing Arts -
Carnival Capers
Create and perform a Carnival this summer. Join Art Shape and work with professional Carnival artists to construct exciting structures and create props and costumes using a range of craft techniques. Explore movement and performance routines as you find out about traditional Caribbean characters. You will bring everything you learn together to create a polished […]
Stroud /
Arts and Crafts -
Gardens and Nature -
Naturally Skilled for Life
A woodland laboratory on the Stroud fringe. In this bespoke woodland laboratory you will create a 3D full-scale engineered structure using a combination of cutting-edge technology and traditional woodland techniques. Develop a range of skills and gain experience in 3D design and 3D printing, using them to create structures such as geodesic domes from a […]
Summer fun horsing around near Stroud! Enjoy three days of horse riding and spending time with these beautiful creatures this summer. Venture outdoors with St Rose’s School getting to know the horses, dogs, cats, rabbits and more. If you love being outside, getting close to nature and spending time with animals, this is the perfect […]
Are you a budding entrepreneur? Or just interested to find out more about how a business is set up? Join our FREE (subject to eligibility) 6 week business venture course. – Create a new business idea – Showcase its unique selling point – Learn how to financially plan – Understand your market – Present your […]