Collect of articles, updates and resources shared by the You're Welcome team.
Gloucester /
Arts and Crafts -
Social Interest Groups
Telling Stories Through Textiles with Trudi Price
Telling Stories Through Textiles with tutor Trudi Price Would you like to try out creative textiles but don’t know where to start? During this course you will be able to make a textile collage using fabrics, recycled clothing and basic stitching. You will learn how to use abstract colours and patterns to tell a story […]
Gloucester /
Performing Arts -
Theatre and Concerts -
Jax Night: Musical Night
Date for your DIARY – Tuesday, 23rd April – It’s @Jax Nightclub We have a Night of Musicals planned and we want you to JOIN US! An ‘all singing, all dancing’ evening for all those Gloucester Musical and Film lovers! Let’s belt our heart out to our favourite tunes 🎤 and if you […]
Grunge, Grime and Glitches with tutor Warren Day Celebrate the visual potential and beauty in imperfections by exploring a variety of mixed media techniques to achieve some gorgeous decayed and distressed outcomes using a selection of techniques and paint effects such as modelling paste, acrylic resists, vintage montage, digital glitch drawings and more! Learn Online […]
Gloucester /
Social Interest Groups -
Sports and Leisure -
Wellbeing -
Super1s Inclusive Cricket at Gloucester
Super1s cricket gives young people with a disability aged 12-25 the chance to play regular cricket while improving confidence and independence. We run weekly sessions at 22 yards Cricket Centre on a Tuesday 5pm – 6pm. during the winter. Sessions provide young people the chance to compete against their peers, learn new skills whilst giving the […]
Showtime with tutor Keziah Benbow Come and join us on this exciting drama course – take part in fun drama games that will get you moving, thinking and working with other people. Create your own characters, and bring them to life using improvisation and story telling techniques. Work with others to devise and develop your […]
VIA Dancy Company with tutor Nirvana Warner-Hughes VIA is a community-based, inclusive, intergenerational dance company which consists of wheelchair users, learning disabled dancers, and non-disabled dancers. Join these training sessions to explore inclusive dance, collaboratively choreograph exciting pieces, and take part in performances around the country. Mondays 4.45pm-7pm at Milestones School, Gloucester This course will […]
Gloucester /
Arts and Crafts -
Festivals and Seasonal -
Social Interest Groups
Steam Pirates on Parade with Sue Condie-Gardner
Steam Pirates on Parade with tutor Sue Condie-Gardner Come and join a creative group designed to construct amazing 3D structures as part of the parade for the forthcoming Tall Ships Festival in Gloucester. Work closely with an artist to learn how to realise ideas from research and sketches to large scale impressive displays. Take inspiration […]
Gloucester /
Arts and Crafts -
Festivals and Seasonal -
Social Interest Groups
Steampunk On Show with Warren Day
Steampunk On Show with tutor Warren Day Fancy getting ARRRty? In this course the steampunk adventure becomes airborne and you will have the opportunity to create a variety of ‘steampunked’ items to coincide with the ‘Tall Ships’ festival in Gloucester where you will be able to see your work in a shop window for all […]
Memory Threads with tutor Sue Condie-Gardner Most of us keep and treasure everyday objects inherited from family members or collect things that mean something to us. Using these objects as inspiration, come and join us at The Museum in The Park to discover creative ways of documenting the stories they hold. Bring photos and/or objects […]
Glorious Golds with tutor Warren Day This is a course for Gloucestershire Carers Celebrate the beautiful properties of gold by experimenting with a variety of materials and techniques. Be inspired to make creative artwork using metallic paints, gold leaf, embossing and steampunk. Online via zoom on Tuesdays 7pm to 8pm It will run on the […]
Ready Thready Go 3 with tutor Jo Teague Come stitch with us! On this course we will try new sewing techniques, experiment with texture and create your own pattern design. A great group for someone who enjoys taking time to stitch and add detail in interesting ways. This course will run on the following dates: […]
Sketchbook Sessions with tutor Jo Teague Each week you will join in with creative activity, designed to get you started exploring all sorts of ideas. Using basic materials, this is a chance to fill a sketchbook with activities and ideas that you can explore later on. No experience needed, just be willing to try out […]