World Jungle banner for Mindfulness

An Introduction to Mindfulness with World Jungle Online

Wednesday, 13 January 2021 9:15am to 9:15am


Accessibility features

  • Family Friendly

Join us on Zoom for our Mindfulness sessions each week from 9.15am – 10.00am on Wednesdays, using a range of techniques including meditation and breathwork to help us connect with ourselves, develop ease and calm and be in the present moment.

Beginners always welcome. 

 Join anytime.

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All participants will join a waiting room before the class starts and will be muted on joining.

You will have the option to start your video or keep it off – we would love to see you but no worries if not!

Have a practice beforehand if you can.

Please do email or call us on 07889 512644 if you need support to access the classes.

Classes are free but you are welcome to donate if you are able.
