Dementia Coffee Morning
Tuesday, 19 January 2021 10:00am to 11:00am
Accessibility features
Audio Description
BSL Interpreter/ BSL Event
Clear communication
Dementia Friendly
Family Friendly
Hidden Disabilities Awareness
PA/Carer Free Entry
Subtitles - Screen Text
Visual Impairment Awareness
Come and Join our coffee morning for people who care for someone with dementia. Caring for someone can leave you feeling isolated. Spending time talking to others in similar situations can help.
To book your place for this online session please email or call 0300 111 9000 and a link will be sent to you.
If you require any of the accessibility features stated above please discuss these when you book and we will do what we can to make sure they are in place – please be aware we may not be able to arrange some things at short notice, such as a BSL Interpreter.