Mindful Photography courses for Adults & Parent Carers
Wednesday, 05 May 2021 9:00am to 11:30am
Accessibility features
- Audio Description
- BSL Interpreter/ BSL Event
- Clear communication
- Dementia Friendly
- Family Friendly
- Hidden Disabilities Awareness
- PA/Carer Free Entry
- Subtitles - Screen Text
• Have fun learning creative photography ideas
• Creatively connect with your home, garden and nature
• Slow down and use photography to and improve your wellbeing
• Get to know new people Suitable for all abilities.
All you need is a smartphone or camera, a notebook and pen, access to a computer and use of Zoom.
Adult and Parent Carers course: Weds 5, 12, 19, 26 May 10:00am to 12:30p
mFor more info and to book a place contact carers@peopleplus.co.uk. You must be registered with the Carers Hub to access this course (you can register for the duration of the course only if necessary).