text says ice cream factory tour, image is of brightly coloured icecreams in cones. NXT GEN and Walls Logos are included

NXT GEN Walls Ice Cream Tour

Tuesday, 06 August 2024 2:00pm to 4:00pm


Walls Ice Cream
Corinium Avenue

Accessibility features

  • Access for Wheelchair Users Access for Wheelchair Users
  • Accessible Parking
  • Accessible toilet
  • Autism Friendly
  • BSL Interpreter/ BSL Event
  • Clear communication


We are really excited to be officially launching our revitalised NXT GEN service. This service is for deaf and hard of hearing children, their siblings and children of deaf adults aged 9-16.  NXT GEN is a series of GDA events, activities and outings where young deaf people can come together to socialise, make friends and have fun with their peers.


Tuesday 6th August Ice Cream Factory Tour

2pm to 4pm

email cypf@gda.org.uk or phone Tel: 07927 444924 to book


These sessions are part of Active Impact’s Of Course We Can programme and are supported by funding from Gloucestershire County Council.


Poster with ice cream tour details as per main text. Poster shows colourful icecream cones and Walls and NXT GEN logos

Ice Cream Tours Poster



