Our October Programme
Tuesday, 01 October 2024 7:00am to Friday, 01 November 2024 8:00am
Accessibility features
Access for Wheelchair Users
Autism Friendly
Clear communication
Dementia Friendly
Family Friendly
Hidden Disabilities Awareness
Visual Impairment Awareness
We would like to welcome you to our ‘October Be Connected’ programme.
You will find all of the activities and sessions which we are running in October 2024 for you as unpaid Carers. You are welcome to bring along the person you support if they would like to join in. Or you can join and have some time out for you.
In the Community
There are various sessions happening around the county in October so take a look and see if there are any near you.
There is something for everyone. Find out more and explore what is on offer for you in October 2024.
If you would like any further information please email: bookings@peopleplus.co.uk
You can book directly onto sessions using our online calendar which can be found: https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/our-groups/be-connected/ or you can email bookings@peopleplus.co.uk or call us on 0300 111 9000.
We are reviewing the programme ahead of Autumn/Winter and we want to see if it continues to meet your needs. If you would like to make any suggestions of sessions which you would like to see please email bookings@peopleplus.co.uk
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