Reflections and Reconnections – Meditation Workshop
Monday, 05 July 2021 6:00pm to 6:00pm
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Melanie Leamy, founder of Healing Well, will take you through an hour of relaxing meditation to help us pause, reflect and reconnect. Through meditations like the body scan, a gratitude practice and a loving-kindness meditation, we will be encouraged to increase our health and well-being.
She will teach us the exercises so that we will be able to continue with practicing the meditations after the workshop.
Melanie runs a busy complementary therapy practice for Reiki healing and workshops, Aroma Touch and essential oils, Mindfulness Meditation workshops and programs such as Living With Loss and 28 Days Of Gratitude. She specialises in grief and bereavement, supporting people who live with a life limiting illness and their loved ones.
To sign up, contact Megan on