colourful light streams background, gamer illustrated heads with title and tagline

Gaming Together Cheltenham

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Join us once a month on a Sunday afternoon, for our relaxed, neurodivergent friendly gaming session at Hesters Way Community Resource Centre, Cheltenham. Open to neurodivergent young people age 8-18 and their families and friends. This is a stay and play style session run by parent carer volunteers. We are an umbrella group of the Gloucestershire Parent Carer Forum who provide a grant toward running costs and regularly attend sessions to share information with families.

The group is open to neurodivergent young people and their friends, we try to create different spaces to accommodate different sensory and interactive requirements but we need everyone to support one another and aim to keep the space autism friendly and calm. While we do our very best to accomodate everyone’s needs, and how the young peple would like to use the space, the group is primarily for gaming, and is not suitable for running around so please consider this when deciding if this session is right for your young person.

Contact info

  • Daisy or Nicole

Hesters Way Resource Centre
Cassin Drive
GL51 7SU

Inclusion statement

This friendly, inclusive group is open to neurodivergent young people and their families and friends. We share images and information in advance to help you feel more comfortable before attending. We are very much young person led, and if you have ideas we’d love to hear them. You can drop in at any time during the two hour session or stay for the whole time, and you can join in as much or as little as you feel able to.

We offer quiet spaces and a larger, more interactive room. You can bring your own tech to play with or use some of our retro consoles and board games. We have a sensory chill out corner too with a black out tent and sensory toys.

The group is run by volunteers who are parent carers of neurodivergent and disabled children themselves. As a stay and play activity we hope this offers a safe, welcoming space for your young person to enjoy time with their peers, or just game in their own space alongside others. It’s also an opportunity for parents to offer one another peer support and we are always open to talking to families and sign posting to support and information in the area.