blurred image of some people in a bike workshop with bicycles on stands.

Access Bike – Creative Sustainability


Fromehall Mill
Lodgemore Lane

Accessibility features

  • Access for Wheelchair UsersAccess for Wheelchair Users
  • Accessible Parking
  • Autism Friendly
  • Clear communication
  • Dog Friendly
  • Drop-off Point
  • Hidden Disabilities Awareness
  • Public Transport Links
  • Visual Impairment Awareness

Access Bike is a youth space based at a community bike workshop where young people come together to build, repair and up-cycle old bikes.

The Access Bike Project aims to remove the financial barriers to owning and maintaining a bike. The project revolves around refurbishing donated bikes and selling them at affordable prices. We also provide free access to our workshop space, bike-stands, tools and mechanic support.

The project primarily supports young people aged 13 to 25 in a vibrant, inclusive, and supportive youth space. There is plenty of space for young people to find support with an idea, share skills and explore new interests alongside their peers. There are also opportunities for adults to engage with the project.

“The atmosphere is great here, it’s always such a laugh. Nice people, good tunes, great bikes, what’s not to love!?” – Access Bike Participant

Opening Times

  • We open our youth space and workshop at Fromehall Mill to 13-25 year olds from 3-6pm five days a week – Monday to Friday. It’s free to attend, and young people can arrive and leave when they want between 3 and 6pm – you don’t have to be there for the full 3 hour session.
  • Every fortnight on a Monday event we offer people aged over 25 a chance to have their bike checked over and get an introduction to bike mechanics at our shopfront space at Creative Sustainability (10 John St in Stroud town centre). These sessions cost £5 to book and we ask for a donation of up to £25 per hour to help raise funds for the project.
  • We also offer an opportunity on Thursdays from 10.30-1.30pm for people aged 25 or over to volunteer at Fromehall Mill with us to fix up bikes for us to sell in our shopfront space at Creative Sustainability (10 John St in Stroud town centre). This helps raise funds for the project.
