Jamats Academy Day Provision For Adults with SEN
49a London Road
Accessibility features
Access for Wheelchair Users
Accessible toilet
Autism Friendly
Clear communication
Hidden Disabilities Awareness
Visual Impairment Awareness
The Jamats Academy provides a variety of life skills, learning, creative and social activities for young adults and school/college leavers aged 16+ with special needs. Our unique programmes and activities aim to help our members in building confidence, developing friendships, gaining life experience, and ultimately realising their future potential.
The Academy aims to provide members with the opportunity to take part in activities that are purposeful and ultimately enable them to further themselves in life and achieve their desired goals. At The Academy we aim for everyone to achieve something however big or small and prides itself on creating an environment that allows you to grow and develop at your own speed whilst meeting all your specific needs and wants whatever they may be.
The Academy Programme functions to act as a gateway to connecting young adults with learning difficulties with the adult world. Academy members will gain experience and confidence through our life skill workshops, which will be at the forefront of member personal development and independence, both at the Academy and outside in the community. The Staff at the academy where possible aim to provide the opportunity for a continuation of skills that have been learnt, so that key skills are maintained but also that new ones are established. Everything that is achieved at the Academy is driven by personal development, with our students and parents leading us in the direction they feel most suits them and their future.
For those whose needs may not be suited to a focus on continued learning and personal development, we have Jamats, a social hub at the heart of the building which provides the opportunity for members to take part in a wide variety of activities, as well as the opportunity to guide us with the activities they would like to participate in.
Jamats Academy comes together as one to offer a wide choice of activities for members such as arts and crafts, Music, Drama, Dance, Cookery and Sports and Exercise to name but a few, as well as numerous social events taking place throughout the year. Jamats Academy also provide our members with opportunities for supported community activity and the choice to do purposeful activities that can be tailored to the individual where possible.
Jamats Academy provide;
All Day Sessions – 9.30am – 3.00pm
Morning Sessions – 9.30am – 12.00pm
Afternoon Sessions 1.00pm – 3.00pm
For more information regarding what we do please visit our website www.Jamats.co.uk
If you have any further queries regarding what we offer and for costings please do not hesitate to contact us;
Email – cory@Jamats.co.uk
Phone – (01452) 311138