Visit The Museum of Gloucester…
Museum of Gloucester
Brunswick Road
Accessibility features
Access for Wheelchair Users
Accessible Parking
Accessible toilet
Assistance Dogs Only
Audio Description
Autism Friendly
Baby Changing Facilities
Clear communication
Dementia Friendly
Drop-off Point
Easy Read
Family Friendly
Hearing Loop
Hidden Disabilities Awareness
Large Print
PA/Carer Free Entry
Public Transport Links
Quiet Space
Visual Impairment Awareness
Found within the city of Gloucester is an internationally important collection of treasures of over 750,000 objects…
The Museum of Gloucester tells the story of the city’s origins as a Roman settlement and its subsequent development through the Dark Ages and Medieval period. This fine Victorian building also has a significant collection of art including paintings by Richard Wilson, Thomas Gainsborough, John Atkinson Grimshaw and Thomas Dibdin.
The Archaeology collection includes the world-famous Birdlip Mirror, impressive Roman tombstones and the Gloucester Tables Set, the oldest complete backgammon set in the world.
The museum has ever-changing exhibitions and events, so keep your eye open for these and much much more…
The museum also features ground floor exhibitions and exhibits that promise a much more interactive experience. Highlights include a Roman kitchen playhouse and medieval street and part of the original Roman wall can also be viewed within the museum.
Visit our café, serving a range of tea, coffee and cakes, crisps and biscuits as well as an exciting gift shop full of both historical and local products. Gloucester’s award-winning Tourist Information Centre is also located on the ground floor of this beautiful building…
Entry to the museum is by donation, simply pay what you think! We advise booking museum admission tickets online to avoid disappointment (you can donate online when you book or in the museum itself…)