Collect of articles, updates and resources shared by the You're Welcome team.
Gloucestershire /
Children's Activities
Youth Forum for Autistic and Neurodiverse Youth
The Youth Forum is for autistic and neurodiverse young people between the ages of 13 and 19. It is about having your say about how things can be better for autistic young people in Gloucestershire. It is a chance to meet other autistic and neurodiverse young people and support each other. It is a monthly […]
Stroud /
Social Interest Groups -
Sports and Leisure -
Wellbeing -
Access Bike – Creative Sustainability
Access Bike is a youth space based at a community bike workshop where young people come together to build, repair and up-cycle old bikes. The Access Bike Project aims to remove the financial barriers to owning and maintaining a bike. The project revolves around refurbishing donated bikes and selling them at affordable prices. We also provide free access to our workshop space, bike-stands, […]
Forest of Dean /
Children's Activities -
Social Interest Groups -
Forest Friends
Forest Friends – 18-30 years old £4.01 per session (optional £1.20 for tuck) A weekly social/learning group for young people aged 18 and over. Run in partnership with the Forest Youth Support Service, and meeting on Mondays 6.30-8.30pm, term time only, at the Main Place in Coleford. Members get the chance to meet up with […]
Stroud /
Arts and Crafts -
Attractions and Days Out -
Food and Drink -
Gardens and Nature -
Online -
Parks and Green Spaces -
Performing Arts -
Social Interest Groups -
Wellbeing -
3rd Space – Creative Sustainability
3rd Space Youth Project What is 3rd Space? Well it’s not home and it’s not school/college. It’s the 3rd place that you need in your life – a safe, supported space for young people 16-25 to explore their potential in different ways, underpinned by our three core values of Inclusion, Empowerment and Sustainability. Young people can join […]
Forest of Dean /
Children's Activities -
Social Interest Groups -
Youth Club
Youth Club – 13 – 17 years old £4.01 per session (optional £1.20 for tuck) An integrated Youth Club held on Thursday evenings, 7.15-9.15pm, term time only at The Main Place, Coleford. Open to any young person aged between 13 and 17 who lives in the Forest of Dean. A varied programme of activities including […]
Forest of Dean /
Children's Activities -
Food and Drink -
Play Areas
This session is held on Wednesdays (term time only) from 3pm – 5pm. Young people aged 5-12 years will get on one of our minibuses from Heart of the Forest School*, where we will then head to Whirlikidz (soft play centre in Chepstow), where young people will be able to explore the equipment before we […]
Forest of Dean /
Children's Activities -
Social Interest Groups
Specialist Music Sessions
These sessions are held on Fridays (term time only) from 3pm-5pm at Heart of the Forest School. Young people get to enjoy activities such as soft play, sports, art and craft whilst waiting for their music session. The music sessions consist of small groups (approx 3-4 young people) with support from Forest Pulse staff and […]
Cirencester /
Performing Arts -
Play Areas -
Sports and Leisure -
Interdepen-Dance Class for Adults with disabilities
Cirencester Dance club are so proud of our Interdepen-Dance or I-Dance as we lovingly call it. We offer dance classes for adults with additional needs and/or disabilities. Our classes are full of fun, creative and imaginative dance. Seeing the joy and love of this group grow over the last year has been magical. We giggle as […]
Cirencester /
Children's Activities -
Performing Arts -
Sports and Leisure -
Rising Stars – Inclusive dance group
Rising Stars is an inclusive dance group for children aged 10+. Come and learn movement, make friends and grow in confidence in this accessible, welcoming and fun class. We always create with a sense of play and curiosity. Our classes are relaxed and welcoming and we will work together to ensure that your child’s dance experience […]
Want to try rugby but not totally sure what to expect? Why not pop down to Longlevens Rugby club every Wednesday (6.30 start) and see what the County’s most inclusive rugby side is all about…We have many varying abilities on our team and welcome everyone who is looking to try it out. For those worried […]
We run Football ,Gym Club, Fitness Fun, Sensory Dance Club, Motor Skills, Softball, Trampoline Club, Race Running, Boccia and Yoga (on Zoom) Visit the calendar and use the search function to find a club Allsorts activities and events are only open to current Allsorts members. To become a member please complete our online membership form
Enjoy a simple story alongside a range of sensory experiences – different sensations using lights, smells, textures and sounds will bring the tale to life! The story changes every three months and a small group size helps create an enjoyable and personalised experience for children who might otherwise become overwhelmed These sessions are especially designed […]