Collect of articles, updates and resources shared by the You're Welcome team.
Gloucestershire /
Children's Activities
Online Science Parties!
“Hello? Is this thing on? Good! This is Diatom Dave calling… and I need scientists like you!” Birthday during lockdown? Think you can’t have an awesome party? Think again! You can now tune into a personalised, live birthday broadcast from the secret laboratory of Gloucestershire’s Chief Fun Scientist! Featuring exciting demonstrations and interactive experiments, our […]
Gloucestershire /
Arts and Crafts -
Social Interest Groups -
Gloucestershire Carers Hub If you care for someone, who cares for you? You may not even think of yourself as a carer, especially if you are supporting a family member or a friend. Being in touch with us means you are not alone in your role. We understand that being a carer can put pressure on your […]
Gloucester /
Arts and Crafts -
Social Interest Groups -
Gloucester Inclusion Hub
Our Inclusion hubs are led by disabled people for disabled people. They are safe and welcoming places with different opportunities where you can make new friends, socialise, try out new activities, take part on online activities and access information. Everyone is welcome and all disabilities are included. Our hubs are open by invitation only to […]
BEAM! through Gymnastics is an accessible gymnastics club supporting children with additional emotional, physical, behavioural and sensory challenges. The target audience of BEAM! is any child who has additional emotional, physical, behavioural and sensory challenges. Acknowledging that every gymnast has differing needs, our BEAM! Team works with each child individually to set achievement targets for […]
BEAM! through Gymnastics is an accessible gymnastics club supporting children with additional emotional, physical, behavioural and sensory challenges. The target audience of BEAM! is any child who has additional emotional, physical, behavioural and sensory challenges. Acknowledging that every gymnast has differing needs, our BEAM! Team works with each child individually to set achievement targets for […]
Gloucestershire /
Arts and Crafts -
Children's Activities
Family Art Week
Family Art Week – 7 Day Resource, download this free pack of 7 daily Family Fun art activities…
Gloucestershire /
Attractions and Days Out -
Children's Activities -
Parks and Green Spaces -
Sports and Leisure -
Free tandem bike hire
Free tandem hire to anyone with a disability or additional need, so that they can ride wherever, whenever and with whomever they like. For full details see or the Charlotte’s Tandems Facebook Group.
Gloucestershire /
Arts and Crafts -
Children's Activities -
Social Interest Groups -
Community Bunting Project
Community Bunting Project – watch the film and download the free handout to make your own bright and colourful bunting!
Gloucester /
Arts and Crafts -
Literature and Writing -
Sports and Leisure -
The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse is a completely new style of day service guiding adults with learning disabilities through development, enablement and enrichment The Lighthouse aims to help adults with learning disabilities discover and achieve their dreams while having fun and enjoying their community. We will help each member of our growing family to embrace and develop their […]
Gloucester /
Arts and Crafts -
Children's Activities -
Food and Drink -
Parenting -
Performing Arts -
Social Interest Groups -
Sports and Leisure -
Wellbeing -
Treasure Seekers Hub
Treasure Seekers Hub, a community venue, emerged in September 2023 with a singular purpose—to offer enhanced services for individuals and families with learning disabilities or additional needs. Stemming from the success of our long-standing Performing Arts and Discos, initially hosted at Kingfisher Church, we envisioned a dedicated space to grow these services and introduce an […]
TwoCan Inclusive Theatre company runs 2CA (TwoCan Academy) which currently offers four youth theatre sessions for young people aged between 5- 25 years old living with or without disabilities. The academy is pleased to offer weekly sessions for 11-25 year-olds (school years 7 upwards) on a Monday evening. There are two group runs from 5.30 […]
Have you seen para-athletics on TV, at the world championships or Paralympics? You may have heard these athletes referred to as ‘super-heroes’ or ‘super-human’ – well they’re not! They are just ordinary people who try extraordinarily hard to get stronger and fitter, and have a lot of fun and success in the process. Whatever your […]