Live Life Well Weekender 2.0 – Day 3
Sunday, 13 September 2020 6:00am to 6:00am
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Welcome to the second Live Life Well Weekender running from the 11th – 13th September 2020 to help you Live Life Well!
Earlier this year saw the first ever virtual wellbeing festival brought to you in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The festival inspired thousands of people in need of support during what has been a difficult time for many. As a result, the wellbeing community has come together once again, to host our second festival, the ‘Live Life Well Weekender 2.0’.
This three-day virtual festival will once again provide a range of expert talks, workshops, events and resources, offering support, sparking discussions whilst providing the practical tools people need to better cope with these challenging times.
The festival will bring together experts and industry leaders to explore everything from health and fitness, looking after your mental health, managing stress and anxiety, relationships and loneliness, safeguarding your children, to organising your finances, working from home, home-schooling and studying, whilst helping you to take care of yourself and your family emotionally and physically as we emerge out of lockdown and into our new normal.
We are excited to welcome back our incredible community of speakers including the wonderful BBC commentator and wellbeing campaigner Dr. Radha Modgil return, Embarrassing Bodies host and Media Doctor, Dr Dawn Harper, Psychotherapist Dr Aaron Balick, fitness expert James Golden, Happiness expert Steph Peltier, Parenting Mental health campaigner Suzanne Alderson, Founder and Editor of Motherdom Anna Cessay, nutritionist and women’s health expert Le’nise Brothers, Life-changing motivational speaker Kirsty Hulse, Empowerment speaker and coach Presenter, host and Coach Kevin Duala, Wholeman Academy Founder Anthony Astbury, ex professional Boxer and mentor Johnny Nelson among many others to be announced.
In addition, and as a special addition, Sunday 13th will also be a nod to our founding event, the Cheltenham Wellbeing Festival. Due to the COVID pandemic, we are unable to go ahead with our live event and therefore on Sunday 13th will be inviting all of our local partners to get involved with talks, workshops and events to celebrate community wellbeing. This day will still involve national topics and lots of exciting content for all to enjoy.
Our festivals have one goal – to make wellbeing accessible to all and provide the information and resources you need to better cope in these extraordinary times.
Come and join us today to feel inspired, educated and informed.
Tickets ate just £12.00 per household with bonus content on demand. Profits made will go towards the COVID-19 Appeal. FREE Tickets are available for frontline workers, carers, students, the vulnerable and those on low income. Please email us for your dedicated FREE Ticket code