LOUDER IS NOT ALWAYS CLEARER- moving, funny, inventive
Thursday, 25 November 2021 7:30pm to 9:45pm
Evergreen Hall
Church walk Broadwell
GL16 7BN
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Access for Wheelchair Users
Accessible Parking
BSL Interpreter/ BSL Event
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Last Thursday brings regular live artshas events into Forest of Dean
Thursday 25th November 8pm
As a deaf dancer has inspired awareness in BBC’s ‘Strictly’ we present
‘LOUDER IS NOT ALWAYS CLEARER’ a theatre show about Jonny an artist, campaigner, and father who loves to dance. Born deaf the show is an honest portrayal of a man who is seen to be full of confidence but inwardly vulnerable, and at times isolated in a hearing world.
Jonny grew up in a hearing family surrounded by hearing friends who did not use the word ‘deaf’
Sell out show at Edinburgh Festival produced by Cardiff based mrandmrsClark….
Last Thursday Evergreen Hall Broadwell GL16 7BN
doors open 7-30pm
Tickets £10 in advance from ticketsource.co.uk
£12 on the door /cash only
There will be a live signer- thanks to Soundwork, Coleford Town Council, Air in G, -info Lasthurs@coalway.f9.co.uk