NXT GEN Cookery Workshop
Thursday, 15 August 2024 11:30am to 1:30pm
National Star College
Ullenwood Manor
GL53 9QU
Accessibility features
Access for Wheelchair Users
Accessible Parking
Accessible toilet
Audio Description
BSL Interpreter/ BSL Event
Clear communication
Hearing Loop
Hidden Disabilities Awareness
A brilliant NXT GEN event with our friends from Wiggly Charity – learn to cook a delicious dish from scratch with Chef Ryan. We will be using the fantastic life skills kitchens at National Star to create our dishes and learn more about cooking and healthy eating.
Open to children and young people aged 9-16 who are deaf, hard of hearing or CODA (Children of Deaf Adults) and their siblings. Places must be booked via email cypf@gda.org.uk.
£5 per child, but do speak to us if finances are a barrier to attending.
NXT GEN provides fun, social activities for young people who are deaf, hard of hearing, are children of deaf adults and siblings. NXT GEN is part of the GDA youth service.
These sessions are part of Active Impact’s Of Course We Can programme and are supported by funding from Gloucestershire County Council.