go karting poster

NXT GEN Go Karting

Tuesday, 18 February 2025 1:00pm to 4:00pm


Gloucestershire Deaf Association

Accessibility features

  • Access for Wheelchair UsersAccess for Wheelchair Users
  • BSL Interpreter/ BSL Event
  • Clear communication
  • Hearing Loop

poster for NXT Gen Go karting showing image of a person in a kart on a karting track with helemet. Text with details of the event is on the poster. Details are also in the listing

This service is for deaf and hard of hearing children, their siblings and children of deaf adults aged 9-16.  NXT GEN is a series of GDA events, activities and outings where young deaf people can come together to socialise, make friends and have fun with their peers.


Tuesday 18th February 

Go Karting and Pizza with Coach transfers from Gloucestershire Deaf Association to Absolutely Karting  14 Chapel Lane, Bristol BS5 7EY

Coach pick up from GDA 1pm

Please Email CYPF@gda.org.uk to book

These sessions are part of Active Impact’s Of Course We Can programme and are supported by funding from Gloucestershire County Council.

