Gloucestershire Carers Hub logo

Gloucestershire Carers Hub

  1. 02 Jan 25 -
    01 Apr 25

    Gloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Food and Drink -Wellbeing

    Our Winter Newsletter for 2025

    Our Winter Newsletter is here We are excited to share with you our Autumn Newsletter. We hope you find the articles interesting and of use to you in your caring role. To view or download click here: Winter Newsletter We will be planning for our Spring Newsletter soon and would love to include some suggestions […]

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  2. 28 Feb 25 -
    01 Apr 25

    Gloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Literature and Writing -Online -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing

    Our March Programme

    We would like to welcome you to our March ‘Be Connected’ programme. You will find all of the activities and sessions which we are running in March 2025 for you as unpaid Carers. You are welcome to bring along the person you support if they would like to join in. Or you can join and have some […]

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  3. 27 Mar 25 -
    01 May 25

    Gloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Literature and Writing -Online -Parks and Green Spaces -Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing

    Our April 2025 Be Connected Programme

    We would like to welcome you to our April ‘Be Connected’ programme. You will find all of the activities and sessions which we are running in April 2025 for you as unpaid Carers. You are welcome to bring along the person you support if they would like to join in. Or you can join and have some […]

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Show past events
  1. Gloucestershire / Wellbeing

    Dementia Carers Coffee Morning – Evert Tuesday 10.00am to 11.00am

    Come along and meet other Carers who are supporting someone with Dementia for a cuppa and chat. If you are a registered carer, you can join by emailing or calling 0300 111 9000. To register as a carer visit

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  2. Gloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing

    Dementia Coffee Morning

    Every Tuesday from 10.00am to 11.00am Come and Join our coffee morning for people who care for someone with dementia. Caring for someone can leave you feeling isolated. Spending time talking to others in similar situations can help. Please email or call 0300 111 9000 to register your interest and a link will be […]

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Show current things to do

We understand that being a carer can put pressure on your physical and emotional health and wellbeing at times. We also know that where specific conditions are being cared for, this can bring its own set of challenges for you.

A carer can be somebody, of any age, who provides support or who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of frailty, physical or mental illness, or disability. This would not usually include someone paid or employed to carry out that role, or someone who is a volunteer.

If you are helping someone with day-to-day care, which can include preparing meals, administering medication, giving someone personal care or emotional support, there is a wide range of support available to you.

Gloucestershire Carers’ Hub is able to offer support to carers who are over the age of 18, including parent carers. Support for young carers is provided by Gloucestershire Young Carers.

Contact info

  • 0300 111 9000
  • Triage Team

Bonds Mill
GL10 3RF

Inclusion statement

We are committed to ensuring our services are fair, responsive and accessible to all.
We are committed to fairness and do not discriminate on any grounds including gender, transgender, pregnancy, marital status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, religion, age and offending status.
We ensure that our offices and buildings are accessible (if any building does have limited access we ensure that a suitable alternative venue is offered). We will work with people to provide reasonable adjustments for anyone with a disability. If you let us know in advance of an event what your needs are, we will do our best to help.
•We consult with and involve communities in the development of services as appropriate

Online links