Gloucestershire Carers Hub
Gloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Literature and Writing -Online -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our January Programme
We would like to welcome you to our ‘January Be Connected’ programme. You will find all of the activities and sessions which we are running in January 2025 for you as unpaid Carers. You are welcome to bring along the person you support if they would like to join in. Or you can join and […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 months agoGloucestershire / Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our December programme
We would like to welcome you to our ‘December Be Connected’ programme. You will find all of the activities and sessions which we are running in December 2024 for you as unpaid Carers. You are welcome to bring along the person you support if they would like to join in. Or you can join and […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 months agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Literature and Writing -Online -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our November Programme
We would like to welcome you to our ‘November Be Connected’ programme. You will find all of the activities and sessions which we are running in November 2024 for you as unpaid Carers. You are welcome to bring along the person you support if they would like to join in. Or you can join and […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 months agoGloucestershire / Attractions and Days Out -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Carers Rights Day 2024
Carers Rights Day is an annual event held every November. On Thursday 21st November 2024, unpaid Carers will come together to raise awareness of the rights and needs of unpaid Carers. As an unpaid Carer, you are providing a vital service to the individual who you support, but you may be doing so at a […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 months agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our Autumn Newsletter
Our Autumn Newsletter is here We are excited to share with you our Autumn Newsletter. We hope you find the articles interesting and of use to you in your caring role. To view or download click here: Autumn Newsletter We will be planning for our Winter Newsletter soon and would love to include some suggestions […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 months agoGloucestershire / Attractions and Days Out -LGBTQIA+ -Literature and Writing -Online -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our October Programme
We would like to welcome you to our ‘October Be Connected’ programme. You will find all of the activities and sessions which we are running in October 2024 for you as unpaid Carers. You are welcome to bring along the person you support if they would like to join in. Or you can join and […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 months agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -LGBTQIA+ -Literature and Writing -Parenting -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
September Be Connected
We would like to welcome you to our ‘September Be Connected’ programme. You will find all of the activities and sessions which we are running in September 2024 for you as unpaid Carers. You are welcome to bring along the person you support if they would like to join in. Or you can join and […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 6 months agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Festivals and Seasonal -Gardens and Nature -LGBTQIA+ -Literature and Writing -Parenting -Parks and Green Spaces -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing -Youth
August 2024 Be Connected
We would like to welcome you to our ‘ August Be Connected’ programme. You will find all of the activities and sessions which we are running in August 2024 for you as unpaid Carers. You are welcome to bring along the person you support if they would like to join in. Or you can join […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 7 months agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Festivals and Seasonal -Gardens and Nature -LGBTQIA+ -Literature and Writing -Parenting -Parks and Green Spaces -Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Summer News
Our Summer Newsletter is here We are excited to share with you our Summer Newsletter. We hope you find the articles interesting and of use to you in your caring role. To view or download click here: https://landing.peopleplus.co.uk/GCH-Website-documents/Newsletters/Summer Newsletter 2024.pdf We will be planning for our Autumn Newsletter soon and would love to include some […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 7 months agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Gardens and Nature -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
July Be Connected
Our July Be Connected is now available at Be Connected July 2024 – Gloucestershire Carers Hub
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 8 months agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Festivals and Seasonal -Gardens and Nature -LGBTQIA+ -Literature and Writing -Parenting -Wellbeing
June Be Empowered
We are pleased to bring you our “Be Connected” for June, you will also find it on our website: Be Connected June 2024 – Gloucestershire Carers Hub
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 9 months agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Festivals and Seasonal -Literature and Writing -Parks and Green Spaces -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our May Newsletter
Our May programme for unpaid carers is now available for download at https://landing.peopleplus.co.uk/GCH-Website-documents/Be%20Connected/Be%20Connected%20May%202024.pdf
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 10 months agoGloucestershire / Attractions and Days Out -Festivals and Seasonal -Gardens and Nature -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Our Spring Newsletter
To read our Spring Newsletter, visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/spring-newsletter/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 10 months agoGloucestershire / Attractions and Days Out -Gardens and Nature -Parenting -Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Our April Programme
Are you a carer? If you are registered with us, you might like to have a look at our April Programme https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/be-connected-april/ To register as a carer with us, visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/self-referral/ or call us on 0300 111 9000
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 11 months agoGloucestershire / Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our March Programme
Welcome to our March Programme. There are lots of exciting things happening and getting involved also gives you the chance to meet other carers. You can view the programme using this link https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/be-connected-march-2023/ or you can view the timetable at https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/our-groups/be-connected/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 12 months agoGloucestershire / Attractions and Days Out -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our February Programme
Are you an unpaid carer? If you are registered as a carer with Gloucestershire Carers Hub, you might like to see our latest programme. Its available at https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/events/be-connected-february-2024/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Attractions and Days Out -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our January Programme
Hello everyone, I have pleasure in sharing a link to our January 2024 activities programme for unpaid carers. I would also like to wish you a Happy Christmas and a good new year. https://landing.peopleplus.co.uk/GCH-Website-documents/Be%20Connected/Be%20Connected%20January%202024.pdf
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our December programme
Are you a carer? You might like to see our December programme https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/whats-on-december-2023/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Attractions and Days Out -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our November Programme
We are delighted to share our November programmes with you. There are events both online and face to face and these are designed to be of interest to you if you support someone because of a physical or mental health condition. To take part in these events you need to be registered with us. You […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Festivals and Seasonal -Food and Drink -Gardens and Nature -Literature and Writing -Parks and Green Spaces -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our Autumn Newsletter
Are you a carer or do you have someone who supports you? Would you like to read our Autumn Newsletter? If so, please follow this link Autumn Newsletter – Gloucestershire Carers Hub
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Gardens and Nature -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our October Programme
Are you an unpaid carer? If you are registered as a carer with Gloucestershire Carers Hub, you can access the varied programme of events, that includes excercise, chatting with other carers and sessions that will help you with your caring role at https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/free-unpaid-carer-activities-october-2023/ To register as a carer please visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/self-referral/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Attractions and Days Out -Gardens and Nature -Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Our September Programme
Are you a carer? Would you like to get involved in our Autumn programme? Visit Free activities, skills and information sessions – September 2023 – Gloucestershire Carers Hub for more details about our online and face to face events during September. To register with us as a carer visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/self-referral/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Gardens and Nature -Parks and Green Spaces -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our August Programme
Are you a carer? If so, you might like to see Gloucestershire Carers Hub’s August Programme https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/events/whats-on-august-2023-unpaid-carers-activities-gloucestershire/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Our July Programme
Are you a carer? Would you like to join in with our programme of activities? Visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/events/whats-on-july-2023/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Attractions and Days Out -Festivals and Seasonal -Gardens and Nature -Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Carers Week 2023
Join Gloucestershire Carers Hub to celebrate Carers Week 2023. Many people around our county are supporting someone in a caring capacity, it could be a neighbour, family member or friend. We are here to provide information, advice and guidance to those providing to another throughout Gloucestershire. Carers Week’s theme this year is ‘recognising and supporting […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -LGBTQIA+ -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our June Carers Programme
Are you a carer? Would you like to see what is available from Gloucestershire Carers Hub this June? Visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/june-whats-on/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Attractions and Days Out -Gardens and Nature -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Our May programme is now available
Would you like to find out about the activities that are available to carers in May? Click here to find out more. https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/whats-on-may-2023/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our April Programme
If you are registered as a carer at Gloucestershire Carers Hub, you can access all of the exciting activities that are planned for April. To download a programme visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/whats-on-april-2023/ If you would like to register as a carer, please visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/self-referral/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our March Programme
Would you like to find out about the events that Gloucestershire Carers Hub has for March? Just visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/whats-on-march-2023/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Gardens and Nature -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our February Programme
We have just released our February 2023 programme. All of our activities are free and you can access any of them if you are registered with us as a carer. The programme is available at https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/whats-on-february/ To register as a carer, please visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/self-referral/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
January 2023 Programme
Visit our website to find out about activities in January 2023. There are two versions, one for online and the other for face to face. https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/whats-on-january-2023/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Festivals and Seasonal -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
December Programme
Gloucestershire Carers Hub has another busy month of activities planned for December. Please visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/whats-on-december-2022/ for more details.
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our November Programme
We are pleased to be able to share our November programme with you. There are events online and out and about.https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/whats-on-november-2022/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our October Programme
Are you an unpaid Carer? If so, you might like to take advantage of our October programme. You will need to be registered to join in. You can register by calling 0300 111 9000 or visiting our website at Self Referral – Gloucestershire Carers Hub To see our October programme visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/whats-on-october-2022/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 2 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Farms and Zoos -Gardens and Nature -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Carers Week 6th – 12th June
Carers Week is coming and this year the dates are 6th – 12th June. To access this year’s programme visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/carers-week-2022-programme/ The theme of this year’s Carers Week is Visible Valued and Supported. Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges you as unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 3 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Gardens and Nature -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Our Programme for June 2022
Gloucestershire Carers Hub has a busy schedule of events for unpaid carers for June. Have a look at our programme at https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/our-groups/monthly-events/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 3 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Gardens and Nature -Wellbeing
A busy May Programme
Join us during May for one of our events. Have a look at the programme at Whats On May 2022 – Gloucestershire Carers Hub
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 3 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Attractions and Days Out -Festivals and Seasonal -Gardens and Nature -Literature and Writing -Parks and Green Spaces -Social Interest Groups
Active April
https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/active-april-programme/ Join us for a varied programme of activity during April. Perhaps try something new, meet new people or join us for a walk.
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 3 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Parks and Green Spaces -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
March programme
Come and have a look at our March programme. You can join us for our FREE sessions that are available for all of our registered Carers. Please also bring along the person you support. All of our sessions are online via Zoom and include activities such as coffee mornings, seated exercise, mindfulness and much more! […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 3 years agoGloucester / Arts and Crafts -Food and Drink -Gardens and Nature -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
February events
If you an unpaid carer and you are registered with Gloucestershire Carers Hub, you can access a varied programme of online events https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/our-groups/monthly-events/ To register, call 0300 111 9000
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 3 years agoGloucester / Festivals and Seasonal -Gardens and Nature -Parks and Green Spaces -Wellbeing
Gloucestershire Carers Hub at FestivALL
Gloucestershire Carers Hub is excited to be party of this year’s FestivALL. Come along and say hello and find out how we help carers across the County. Look out for our stand. Steve will be pleased to say hello.
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Gardens and Nature -Parks and Green Spaces -Wellbeing
Carers in Nature Workshops starting 6th May
Are you a carer with an interest in wildlife and the outdoors? Would you like to join Rosie at Robinswood Hill to learn some conservation skills? Learn about local species and how to enhance your outdoor space for wildlife. To join, please call Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust on 01452 383 333 or email rosie.kelssall@gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk There are […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Mindful Photography courses for Adults & Parent Carers
• Have fun learning creative photography ideas • Creatively connect with your home, garden and nature • Slow down and use photography to and improve your wellbeing • Get to know new people Suitable for all abilities. All you need is a smartphone or camera, a notebook and pen, access to a computer and use […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Gardens and Nature -Wellbeing
The Great Outdoors
If you enjoy gardens, the countryside and wildlife and have an interest in helping to make better use of our green spaces, come and join our “Great Outdoors” group as the new year begins. We will initially share our own experiences and favourite outdoors spaces before moving on to consider if there are ways we […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Yoga Nidra (guided meditation)
Yoga Nidra is a special type of guided meditation that puts you into a particular state of consciousness. It helps to relieve stress, reduce tension and relieve anxiety. Regular practice is said to positively affect your overall physical, emotional and mental health. Yoga Nidra is typically practiced lying down on your back. But you can […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Mental Health Coffee Morning
Are you caring for someone with poor mental health? Meet other likeminded Carers for a cuppa and a chat. To book your place for this online session please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 and a link will be sent to you. If you require any of the accessibility features stated above please discuss […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups
Virtual Quiz
Join other Carers and us for a fun filled Quiz. Meet online with other carers and join us for a bit giggle and our quiz. There will be a bathroom and cuppa break halfway through. To book your place for this online session please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 and a link will be […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Performing Arts -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Seated Samba: Chair Based Brazilian Dance Classes
Explore dances from all over Brazil in an easy to follow, low impact seated dance class. Suitable for anyone who enjoys moving to music and would like to access some structured gentle chair based exercise. What you need to take part – Use a comfortable but sturdy chair with enough space around you to move […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Dementia Coffee Morning
Come and Join our coffee morning for people who care for someone with dementia. Caring for someone can leave you feeling isolated. Spending time talking to others in similar situations can help. Please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 to register your interest and a link will be emailed to you.
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Wellbeing
Shibashi Qigong
Shibashi simply means 18 form, which means there are 18 movements to the initial set, one that can be taught over a short period of time and there is certainly weight to this practice with over 8 million people said to be participating in it. Many of the movements are designed to start hitting the […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Seasonal Yoga Flow
Virtual Yoga taught via zoom for you to complete at home. A gentle class mixing chair based and standing yoga to improve flexibility, strength and concentration, ending with a lovely relaxing meditation to calm the mind. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Wellbeing
Distance Reiki
Anyone can benefit from distance Reiki healing. If you’re experiencing health issues, Reiki is a wonderful complementary therapy that can help you to deal with stress or physical pain. And, if you’re the picture of perfect health, Reiki can help to ensure that your energy fields are functioning at their highest levels. Reiki is completely […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups
Virtual Quiz
Join other Carers and us for a fun filled Quiz. Meet online with other carers and join us for a bit giggle and our quiz. There will be a bathroom and cuppa break halfway through. To book your place for this online session please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 and a link will be […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Performing Arts -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Seated Samba: Chair Based Brazilian Dance Classes
Explore dances from all over Brazil in an easy to follow, low impact seated dance class. Suitable for anyone who enjoys moving to music and would like to access some structured gentle chair based exercise. What you need to take part – Use a comfortable but sturdy chair with enough space around you to move […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Parent Carer Coffee Morning
Join us for a cuppa on zoom with other parent carers. To book your place for this online session please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 If you require any of the accessibility features stated above please discuss these when you book and we will do what we can to make sure they are in place […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Dementia Coffee Morning
Come and Join our coffee morning for people who care for someone with dementia. Caring for someone can leave you feeling isolated. Spending time talking to others in similar situations can help. To book your place for this online session please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 and a link will be sent to you. […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Carers’ Catch Up
Join us for a virtual cuppa with other carers who understand the ups and downs of caring. To book your place for this online session please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 and a link will be sent to you. If you require any of the accessibility features stated above please discuss these when you […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Wellbeing
Shibashi Qigong
Shibashi simply means 18 form, which means there are 18 movements to the initial set, one that can be taught over a short period of time and there is certainly weight to this practice with over 8 million people said to be participating in it. Many of the movements are designed to start hitting the […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Yoga Nidra (guided meditation)
Yoga Nidra is a special type of guided meditation that puts you into a particular state of consciousness. It helps to relieve stress, reduce tension and relieve anxiety. Regular practice is said to positively affect your overall physical, emotional & mental health. Yoga Nidra is typically practiced lying down on your back. But you can […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Seasonal Yoga Flow
Virtual Yoga taught via zoom for you to complete at home. A gentle class mixing chair based and standing yoga to improve flexibility, strength and concentration, ending with a lovely relaxing meditation to calm the mind. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Carers Christmas Craft
Get creative for Christmas! Join others online for some festive craft making throughout December. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility features stated above please discuss these when you book and we will do what we can to make sure they are in place – […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Children's Activities -Festivals and Seasonal -Performing Arts -Theatre and Concerts
Tales from the North Pole – Stories with Santa via Zoom
Santa will be joining us via Zoom for ‘Tales from the North Pole’ Fun, interactive stories with the big man himself! This is a great opportunity for disabled and non-disabled children to enjoy some Christmas magic together. There are limited spaces so book today. Two dates available: 21st December 2020 at 3pm 23rd December 2020 […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Yoga Nidra (guided meditation)
Yoga Nidra is a special type of guided meditation that puts you into a particular state of consciousness. It helps to relieve stress, reduce tension and relieve anxiety. Regular practice is said to positively affect your overall physical, emotional & mental health. Yoga Nidra is typically practiced lying down on your back. But you can […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Seasonal Yoga Flow
Virtual Yoga taught via zoom for you to complete at home. A gentle class mixing chair based and standing yoga to improve flexibility, strength and concentration, ending with a lovely relaxing meditation to calm the mind. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Carers Christmas Craft
Get creative for Christmas! Join others online for some festive craft making throughout December. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility features stated above please discuss these when you book and we will do what we can to make sure they are in place – […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Wellbeing
Shibashi Qigong
Shibashi simply means 18 form, which means there are 18 movements to the initial set, one that can be taught over a short period of time and there is certainly weight to this practice with over 8 million people said to be participating in it. Many of the movements are designed to start hitting the […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Wellbeing
Learning Disabilities Coffee Morning
Do you have a learning disability? Would you like a safe space to chat about your caring role join us for a cuppa. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility features stated above please discuss these when you book and we will do what […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Yoga Nidra (guided meditation)
Yoga Nidra is a special type of guided meditation that puts you into a particular state of consciousness. It helps to relieve stress, reduce tension and relieve anxiety. Regular practice is said to positively affect your overall physical, emotional & mental health. Yoga Nidra is typically practiced lying down on your back. But you can […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Seasonal Yoga Flow
Virtual Yoga taught via zoom for you to complete at home. A gentle class mixing chair based and standing yoga to improve flexibility, strength and concentration, ending with a lovely relaxing meditation to calm the mind. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Festivals and Seasonal -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
The Carers Hub Virtual Christmas Party
Join us for our virtual Christmas party, get a cuppa and put your Christmas Jumpers on, we will be working in partnership with Community Ventures for a fun packed session. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility features stated above please discuss these when […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Carers Christmas Craft
Get creative for Christmas! Join others online for some festive craft making throughout December. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility features stated above please discuss these when you book and we will do what we can to make sure they are in place – […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Wellbeing
Parent Carer Coffee Morning
Join us for a cuppa and a chat with other parent carers. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility features stated above please discuss these when you book and we will do what we can to make sure they are in place – please […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Theatre and Concerts
Christmas Concert with Holly Reynolds
Christmas! Whatever the month, it’s never too soon to start planning your celebrations for the most wonderful time of the year! ‘Rocking Around the Christmas Tree’ is jam packed full of everyone’s festive favourites from the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s. To book please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Yoga Nidra (guided meditation)
Yoga Nidra is a special type of guided meditation that puts you into a particular state of consciousness. It helps to relieve stress, reduce tension and relieve anxiety. Regular practice is said to positively affect your overall physical, emotional & mental health. Yoga Nidra is typically practiced lying down on your back. But you can […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Seasonal Yoga Flow
Virtual Yoga taught via zoom for you to complete at home. A gentle class mixing chair based and standing yoga to improve flexibility, strength and concentration, ending with a lovely relaxing meditation to calm the mind. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Seasonal Yoga Flow
Virtual Yoga taught via zoom for you to complete at home. A gentle class mixing chair based and standing yoga to improve flexibility, strength and concentration, ending with a lovely relaxing meditation to calm the mind. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Seasonal Yoga Flow
Virtual Yoga taught via zoom for you to complete at home. A gentle class mixing chair based and standing yoga to improve flexibility, strength and concentration, ending with a lovely relaxing meditation to calm the mind. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Seasonal Yoga Flow
Virtual Yoga taught via zoom for you to complete at home. A gentle class mixing chair based and standing yoga to improve flexibility, strength and concentration, ending with a lovely relaxing meditation to calm the mind. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Carers Christmas Craft
Get creative for Christmas! Join others online for some festive craft making throughout December. To book your place please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 if you require any of the accessibility features stated above please discuss these when you book and we will do what we can to make sure they are in place – […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Dementia Coffee Morning
Come and Join our coffee morning for people who care for someone with dementia. Caring for someone can leave you feeling isolated. Spending time talking to others in similar situations can help. Please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 to register your interest and a link will be emailed to you.
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years agoGloucestershire / Arts and Crafts -Literature and Writing -Social Interest Groups -Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Carers Rights Week Events
https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/news/carers-rights-day-2020/ Carers Rights Day 2020 Looking after someone? Know your rights. Most of us will provide unpaid care for someone who is older, disabled or seriously ill at some point in our lives. Taking place on Thursday 26 November, Carers Rights Day brings together organisations from across the UK to reach out to carers with […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 4 years ago-
Gloucestershire / Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Online Gentle Exercise to Improve Health and Wellbeing – Every Friday 11.00 to 12.00noon
Join us online for a session of gentle exercise that can help improve physical and mental wellbeing. If you are registered with us as a carer you can join by emailing bookings@peopleplus.co.uk or calling 0300 111 9000. To register as a carer, visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/self-referral/ or call 0300 111 9000
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Wellbeing
Online Mindfulness – Every Monday 1.00pm to 2.30pm
Join Lynsey from Gloucestershire Mindfulness to develop mindfulness skills to use everyday. Lynsey will visit various topics over the course of these sessions and help you to explore the art of Mindfulness. If you are registered with us to join, please email bookings@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000. To register with us as a carer […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Sports and Leisure
Online Seated Exercise with Matt – Every Monday from 4.00pm to 5.00pm
Fun and seated exercise class to build strength and balance and includes fall prevention. Join Matt to learn new exercises to allow you to become more fit and healthy in the comfort of your own home. To book email bookings@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Online Distance Reiki with Jo – Every Wednesday from 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Anyone can benefit from distance Reiki healing. If you’re experiencing health issues, Reiki is a wonderful complementary therapy that can help you to deal with stress or physical pain. Reiki gently balances and calms the emotions, restores self-worth, and gives back a sense of purpose. Reiki has been found to be especially beneficial for stress, […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Online Zumba with Wanda – Every Thursday from 10.00am to 10.45am
This session is pre-booking only, Burn calories while having fun dancing. If you are a registered carer you cab book by emailing bookings@peopleplus.co.uk or calling 0300 111 9000. To register as a carer visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/self-referral/ or call 0300 111 9000
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Sports and Leisure
Online Zumba with Wanda – Every Tuesday from 7.00pm to 7.45pm
This session is pre-booking only, Burn calories while having fun dancing. If you are registered with us, you can book by emailing bookings@peopleplus.co.uk or calling 0300 111 9000. To register as a carer visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/self-referral/ or call 0300 111 9000
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Sports and Leisure
Online Seated Dance with Mika – Every Tuesday from 11.00am to 12.00noon
Easy-to-follow dances to help improve your strength, balance and mobility. Can be followed seated or standing if preferred. The exercise helps build strength in your legs and back and core. If you are registered with us a carer you can join by emailing bookings@peopleplus.co.uk or calling 0300 111 9000. To register with us as a […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Online Shibashi Qigong – Every Monday 10.30 to 11.30
Join our expert instructor as he teaches you the exercises of Shibashi. Shibashi movements are designed to start to help lift mood, reduce depression, and ease anxiety, improve agility and flexibility. These are gentle exercise movements and are accessible to everyone. If you are a registered carer you can book either by emailing bookings@peopleplus.co.uk or […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Wellbeing
Dementia Carers Coffee Morning – Evert Tuesday 10.00am to 11.00am
Come along and meet other Carers who are supporting someone with Dementia for a cuppa and chat. If you are a registered carer, you can join by emailing carers@peopleplus.co.uk or calling 0300 111 9000. To register as a carer visit https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/self-referral/
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Sports and Leisure -Wellbeing
Yoga Nidra (guided meditation)
Every Thursday from 7.00pm to 8.00pm Yoga Nidra is a special type of guided meditation that puts you into a particular state of consciousness. It helps to relieve stress, reduce tension and relieve anxiety. Regular practice is said to positively affect your overall physical, emotional and mental health. Yoga Nidra is typically practiced lying down […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Mental Health Coffee Morning
Every Friday from 10.00am to 11.00am Are you caring for someone with poor mental health? Meet other likeminded Carers for a cuppa and a chat. To book your place for this online session please email bookings@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 and a link will be sent to you. If you require any of the […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups -Wellbeing
Dementia Coffee Morning
Every Tuesday from 10.00am to 11.00am Come and Join our coffee morning for people who care for someone with dementia. Caring for someone can leave you feeling isolated. Spending time talking to others in similar situations can help. Please email bookings@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 9000 to register your interest and a link will be […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Wellbeing
Shibashi Qigong
Every Monday from 10.30am to 11.30am Shibashi simply means 18 form, which means there are 18 movements to the initial set, one that can be taught over a short period of time and there is certainly weight to this practice with over 8 million people said to be participating in it. Many of the movements […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoGloucestershire / Social Interest Groups
Virtual Quiz
Every Wednesday from 11.00am to 12.00am Join other Carers and us for a fun filled Quiz. Meet online with other carers and join us for a bit giggle and our quiz. There will be a bathroom and cuppa break halfway through. To book your place for this online session please email carers@peopleplus.co.uk or call 0300 111 […]
Gloucestershire Carers Hub 1 year agoWe understand that being a carer can put pressure on your physical and emotional health and wellbeing at times. We also know that where specific conditions are being cared for, this can bring its own set of challenges for you.
A carer can be somebody, of any age, who provides support or who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of frailty, physical or mental illness, or disability. This would not usually include someone paid or employed to carry out that role, or someone who is a volunteer.
If you are helping someone with day-to-day care, which can include preparing meals, administering medication, giving someone personal care or emotional support, there is a wide range of support available to you.
Gloucestershire Carers’ Hub is able to offer support to carers who are over the age of 18, including parent carers. Support for young carers is provided by Gloucestershire Young Carers.
Contact info
- 0300 111 9000
- carers@peopleplus.co.uk
- Triage Team
Bonds Mill
GL10 3RF
Inclusion statement
We are committed to ensuring our services are fair, responsive and accessible to all.
We are committed to fairness and do not discriminate on any grounds including gender, transgender, pregnancy, marital status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, religion, age and offending status.
We ensure that our offices and buildings are accessible (if any building does have limited access we ensure that a suitable alternative venue is offered). We will work with people to provide reasonable adjustments for anyone with a disability. If you let us know in advance of an event what your needs are, we will do our best to help.
•We consult with and involve communities in the development of services as appropriateOnline links