Accessibility Icons Guidance for Organisers or Venues
Getting There

Accessible Parking
- Disabled parking bays / spaces for holders of a concessionary blue badge available. We recommend you label these as ‘accessible/blue badge parking’ on your website. More information about accessible parking can be found here: (see page 4)

Drop-off Point
- There is a parking bay close to the main entrance to allow for drop off. This is useful for anyone who cannot walk long distances.

Public Transport Links
- Transport links are available close to the venue (bus stop or train station). If there is a specific bus that comes near your venue please state the bus number, stop and frequency, and how long it would generally take to walk there. If your transport link is a train station please state which station and how far it is from your venue. This is useful for someone with any kind of mobility impairment, including a visual impairment.

Family Friendly
- Welcoming to families. Please state in your description if some aspects are not suitable for all ages.

Fast Pass Option
- Option to avoid standard queues for people who would find waiting in a queue difficult, either due to a mobility impairment or because of a hidden disability. The service also benefits people who take longer to make their way around larger areas meaning they can still gain access to a range of exhibits or opportunities despite them needing longer to navigate between parts of your venue. Manage visitors’ expectations by making your procedures very clear before they visit, including whether any ‘proof’ will be required to gain fast pass access and be ready to explain your systems further if asked. This service is very helpful to lots of disabled people and their families and is rarely misused so please consider adopting a fast access policy if possible.

PA/Carer Free Entry
- PA or Carer has free entry to accompany someone who needs assistance to attend/take part; this should apply to a paid or family carer. Manage visitors’ expectations by making your procedures very clear before they visit, including whether any ‘proof’ will be required and be ready to explain your systems further if asked. This service is very helpful to lots of disabled people and their families and is rarely misused so please consider offering this if possible.
Dog Entry

Assistance Dogs Only
- Only assistance dogs allowed entry (no other dogs.) Types of assistance dogs include Guide Dogs, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, Canine Partners, Dogs for Good, Seizure Alert Dogs and Medical Detection Dogs. Most venues should allow entry to assistance dogs, there are very few exceptions in UK law. See Assistance Dogs UK for more information.

Dog Friendly
- The premises welcomes pets and assistance dogs. You will usually provide bins for disposal of dog waste. You may provide water bowls or a tap to enable visitors to fill their own bowl.
Toilet Access

Accessible Toilets
- A functioning accessible toilet is available onsite. This is on a level, has more space to move around, and is equipped with grab rails and an alarm system. You can read more about ensuring that toilet facilities include features that increase accessibility here:
To find out more about the need to provide prompt access to toilet facilities for those with a bladder or bowel condition visit:

Baby Changing Facility
- A fold-out baby changing table on which infants can be changed safely.
See section 8 in this guide for Baby Changing Facility Guidance:

Changing Places Facility
- This is an extra facility in addition to an accessible toilet and must meet certain criteria to be registered as a Changing Places Facility. This has an adult-sized changing bench, a hoist and a curtain / screen for privacy. See the standards required for a toilet to be considered a Changing Places Facility by following:
Mobility Impairment Access

Accessible for wheelchairs/buggies
- If most of your venue or activity is accessible for people using wheelchairs or children in buggies then we encourage you to display this symbol. It is then even more helpful to describe the access into and around your venue as clearly as you can. Using photos of key access points or areas where assistance may be required can be very useful. Use the phrase ‘Step Free Access’ to state clearly if there are no steps to get into the venue (this could be through a front door or a side/back entrance). This is useful for anyone with a mobility impairment. If there is a small step, or no steps to get in through the entrance but steps to access other areas, please explain this in your description. Please also state if you have a portable ramp that people need to request to access your venue, and how they can do this. Find out more about accessible environments here:
This is a thorough guide to creating environments that are inclusive to those with mobility impairments:

Hoist Access to Facilities
- A fixed or mobile hoist is available at your venue. This helps to transfer someone who can’t walk, without having to lift them manually. Visitors should have assistance from their own party to use the hoist and should provide their own custom fitted sling. For more information on hoist facilities please visit
Sight Impairment Access

Visual Impairment Awareness
- Your staff and volunteers are aware of the needs faced by someone who is blind or partially sighted. This may include ‘sighted guide’, the technique used to safely guide someone with a visual impairment. Where possible you have adapted your environment to be easier to navigate for someone with a visual impairment; for example uncluttered walkways, adequate light levels, contrasting edges on steps or other changes of level, clearly marked drops, ramps, doorways, exits and entrances. Click here to see guiding in action.

Audio Description
- This is a service accessed by someone with a visual impairment or print disability. They receive an audio narration (usually through headphones) of a film, play, or of their surroundings. Find out more about Audio Description in the links below:

Braille Resources Available
- Print material is or can be made available in braille. This is a text format used by people with a visual impairment. It is read by touch with each letter of the alphabet comprising a series of dots. Click the link below to contact a local provider of braille resources.

Large Print
- Printed material is or can be made available in large print with a font size of 16 or higher.
Hearing Impairment Access

BSL Interpreters
- A certified BSL (British Signed Language) Interpreter is available. Please state in your description whether they are readily available or if they need to be booked in advance. BSL is used by those with a hearing impairment. Although there are different types of signing, the interpreter translates spoken content into signs. Find a local source of interpreters and guidance on how to work with an interpreter here.

Subtitles / Screen Text
- Subtitles are available for film screenings/videos shown at your venue. This is useful for people who have a hearing impairment or for anyone who benefits from reading spoken information. Giving advance notice of subtitled screenings makes it easier to plan a visit and varying the times/days you show films with subtitles enables more people to be able to access them. If you have permanent video material as part of an exhibition or display, adding captions/subtitles ensures more people can access the information.
If you are a film venue/cinema you may already list your subtitle showings on this page:
You can link to this in your ‘Things To Do’ listing on You’re Welcome to save you having to add all your subtitled showings again.

Hearing Loop
- Hearing loop available at your venue. This is used by people with a hearing impairment as the loop provides a magnetic wireless signal that is picked up by a hearing aid when it is tuned to a particular setting. Hearing Loops should be checked regularly and any faults rectified as a matter of urgency. For more information visit:
Hidden Impairment Access/Other Specific Requirements

Hidden Disabilities Awareness
- Additional support is available for people with specific requirements, whose impairment is not visible. Often this support will be ensuring your staff all commit to genuine awareness and acceptance that someone with a hidden disability may request assistance, need priority access to facilities (including accessible toilets) or need to approach things differently. Some people with a hidden disability might wear a sunflower lanyard, which is widely recognised as an indication that they may need some extra assistance. They may carry an identity or information card giving details of their condition and specific requirements such as the ‘Just can’t wait’ card from the Bladder and Bowel Foundation. You can choose to provide assistance indicators at your venue like the lanyards or a ‘support required’ sticker.
To find out more about the sunflower lanyards visit:

Dementia Friendly
- Dementia is a cognitive impairment that can affect people of any age. Providing well-lit premises with clear signage, marked entrances and places for people to sit and rest are some of the ways your organisation can support people with Dementia. For information on how you can become more Dementia friendly, click here.

Easy Read Resources
- Print material is or can be made available in Easy Read. This is where written information is presented in plain English combined with pictures and symbols to aid understanding. It is useful for people with a cognitive or language impairment. Click here to find out more.
What is Easy Read:
Where can I find help with translating material into Easy Read:

Quiet Space
- This could be a designated quiet or safe space, or a faith room that can be used (please state in your description if this is the case). A quiet space may be used by anyone who needs some time away from a group or activity to relax, particularly if they are feeling overwhelmed by the environment.